The Specialist Learning Partnership (SLP) was created in 2012 as a model for partnership working between special schools to advance education for students with SEND for the public benefit. The intention of the SLP is to facilitate collaboration between schools so that they may share best practice to develop both curricula and pastoral systems for students with SEND. Originally 4 schools, all from within the same local authority, were brought together to discuss and plan for ‘life without levels’ following on from the decision to move away from National Curriculum levels. This partnership has been strengthened considerably since that time to include 22 other special and mainstream schools across South London. Our work together has broadened considerably over time to include:

  • Models for assessment
  • Moderation of students work
  • Development of systems to track student development, both academic and pastoral
  • Sharing best practice for curriculum design and content
  • Comparisons of student progress across different settings and age ranges
  • Sharing professional development opportunities such as training
  • A forum for both subject and whole school development
  • Review and inspection feedback

Glebe School hosts most of these events along with termly steering group meetings. Additional workshops are organised to allow schools to collaborate on specific areas of need that arise through the year in response to any news initiatives or policies announced by the DfE.

The SLP schools pool a small amount of money through a yearly funding agreement to allow for the additional support of both consultants and other professionals best placed to provide training and or materials.

Any schools wishing to find out more, or work with us, are very welcome to contact the school to discuss the opportunities. Please email