
iGCSE Cambridge


  • You should go over the notes Miss Noble provides before your exams
  • Try copying them out and expanding on each of the mini headings with any extra information that you can remember
  • Read over your answers to make sure that the sentence structure is clear and includes what you want to say. If you can’t understand your answer then the examiner will not be able to either.
  • When looking up topics or information, add ‘for kids’ after your question. This will make sure you do not end up looking at university level information!
  • Try quizzes - there are so many available online! Just type your topic (e.g. ‘Reconstruction Civil War’) and add the word ‘quiz’ at the end
  • Make sure that you read the question carefully and that your answer is a response to that question. There is no point in writing a lot of information on a topic if they have not addressed the question being asked



Videos on particular topics on YouTube are very good for revision. Type in the topic you are looking for, or go to Oversimplified and Tom Richey.